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Tina's Reading Books

Genre fiction lover:  Romance, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Mystery, Urban Fantasy

Hotter After Midnight - Cynthia Eden "Never trust anything normal. Cuz it's the normal stuff you've got to fear. Monsters, demons, witches...we're all more afraid of that normal world than you can ever imagine."

Dr. Emily Drake is psychiatrist to the paranormal. She listens to the woes of vampires who have blood phobias and succubi who just want to find true love. In a world where shifters, vampires, witches and demons all live a secret life hidden from the awareness of most humans, Emily is different. She is a human that can see paranormals. Not only see them, she knows what kind they are and how powerful they are.

Colin Gyth is a cop. And a shifter. he wonders why his captain has requested the presence of a psychiatrist to the scene of a grisly murder. But Colin soon realizes with shock what Emily is. His own identity as a shifter is a highly guarded secret. His last partner, when he found out what Colin was, attempted to kill him. So Colin keeps his paranormal identity under wraps.

But as soon as Emily sees him she knows what he is. The two are thrown together to find the killer -- a paranormal creature who is not done killing.

I got this book as a free kindle download. I had not read this author before and only got it to have "just in case." I wasn't even particularly interested in reading a paranormal either, but the first few chapters really caught my eye. And then i really got immersed in the story.

First, I like that the author has created a world with some pretty evident rules. In this case the paranormal community is not out in the open, there are a lot of different paranormal "races". Like only recognizes like. Paranormals know another paranormal when they see one, but they may not know exactly what type another one is. And Emily can see them all and can place their power level from a range of one to ten.

Second, I like that the book was a nice hybrid of styles. It was a romance, but it was also a mystery/police procedural. And the love scenes had a nice erotica flavor to them.

And third, I really liked the supporting cast. Breakout characters include Niol, the very powerful demon who runs the 'Other' bar known as Paradise Found. this is a series so I hope we get to see much more of Niol. Colin's partner, Brooks, was also intriguing. And I couldn't help but feel bad for the guy. He was kept out of the loop of the investigation because Colin was so freaked about his last partner. I also liked the captain, Danny and love the fact that he and the gorgeous ME Smith had a little vibe going.

When I finished the book, i found that I enjoyed it so much that I really wanted to go and get the second one. So i downloaded it right then. Curse you Kindle! :)