Genre fiction lover: Romance, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Mystery, Urban Fantasy
This book is the very definition of a 3-star book. I liked it, it was an easy read, it was technically well written. It wasn't terrible and didn't make me roll my eyes . It wasn't implausible. It made sense. But alas, it will not jump to the front of the my mind when someone asks me for a rec of a good Nora Roberts book or even a good suspense book. It did not move me and it did not prompt me to go back and re-read it immediately after finishing.
I did like the heroine, Lila. She is a professional house-sitter who has enjoyed some modest success as an YA paranormal author. She is house-sitting for a family while indulging in a little bit of Rear Window-esque action. She likes to people watch. And like Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window she witnesses a murder.
Lila is funny and personable and warm. She very easily engages people in conversations and somehow manages to effortlessly learn all about them in the process. This was a nice departure from some recent NR heroines who have tended to be a bit on the prickly side.
The hero, Ashton, was a bit more opaque. He is an artist who was all intense and alpha and artisty. I wasn't as won over with Ashton, again a bit of a departure as I tend to have really enjoyed NR's heroes more than her heroines. But I must say, while Ashton felt seemingly run-of-the mill, his family situation was great. I loved how chaotic his family was. His parents had been married multiple times and he is the eldest of a melange of siblings, half-siblings and step-siblings. I liked the glimpses I got of his family and wished we had gotten to spend more time with them. I also tended to enjoy him more when we got to see him in his role with his family.
I hated the villains. They were a bit mustache twirly. Very over-the-top villainous. Made we wish longingly for the Russian mobsters from
There is secondary romance that felt perfunctory. I generally liked the two characters as supporting characters, but found myself puzzled by the need to make them a couple.
Anyway, this was a fine book. Easy to read and kill and afternoon with.