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Tina's Reading Books

Genre fiction lover:  Romance, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Mystery, Urban Fantasy

Carolina Man

Carolina Man (Dare Island, #3) - Virginia Kantra

Lightning Review:

- Of the three books in this series so far this is my least favorite

- I didn't really connect with the heroine or the romance. The hero was fine as a character, but the romantic tension & chemistry was just not present for me.

- ...but the plot surrounding Taylor is worth the story. It was the thread that wound through all three books and it more than Luke's (the hero in this) possible romance is what prompted me to read this. I was more interested in the family stuff than the romance really

- Apparently this series is not stopping at a trilogy but has at least another two books... probably won't  continue since one of the biggest draws has been the siblings/Fletchers and the family stuff (Taylor, their mother's accident, their Inn) and it looks like the other books don't follow any Fletchers.