Genre fiction lover: Romance, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Mystery, Urban Fantasy
Listened to this on audio and the narrator, Carol Monda, was very good.
The mystery was interesting but the perp ended up having rather odd motivations.
The author does an execrable job of throwing suspicion on random people though. The inclusion of & significance of Father Bracken, a new priest who looks like Bono and gets nosy about the case just made me scratch my head. He was an ok character but why was he there?
Also, for FBI people who are supposed to be smart the two main characters made some rather stupid observations. Like why would Emma being a bystander to a crime have negative repercussions to her being on an FBI team? Another head scratcher.
That isn't to say there wasn't some charm to the book and like I said the basic mystery was interesting. I will probably follow up with the next one just to see what is next for Sharpe & Donovan.